While conventional medicine has disease as its focus, integrated medicine concentrates on the powers of the body that promote health. We believe the majority of illnesses are caused by the emotional, psychological and physical strain we put ourselves under. The Integrated Health TV shows you how to reverse this by helping the body heal itself and to restore vitality and well-being.
Really,medicine is a timely area of application for the new science based on the primacy of consciousness. This new science has a spectacular ability to integrate conventional science, spirituality, and healing. If any field needs integration. it is medicine and healing and its a leading methods of alternative medicine -- homeopathy, Chin
Really,medicine is a timely area of application for the new science based on the primacy of consciousness. This new science has a spectacular ability to integrate conventional science, spirituality, and healing. If any field needs integration. it is medicine and healing and its a leading methods of alternative medicine -- homeopathy, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Herbal, and conventional medicine in this new era of healthcare. edition of his popular book.
Naturopathy, an ancient philosophy, offers a way of understanding health and illness. It provides a comprehensive system of healing which encourages natural immunity. This is an introductory guide to the techniques of natruopathy, including hydrotherapy, healthy eating and fasting, physical therapies, and mind-body therapies. It explains
Naturopathy, an ancient philosophy, offers a way of understanding health and illness. It provides a comprehensive system of healing which encourages natural immunity. This is an introductory guide to the techniques of natruopathy, including hydrotherapy, healthy eating and fasting, physical therapies, and mind-body therapies. It explains: what naturopathy is and how it can be used to prevent and treat illness; how naturopathy can help you to feel more energetic and vital; how naturopathy can be used for first aid and healing; and where to go for professional advice.
While conventional medicine has disease as its focus, integrated medicine concentrates on the powers of the body that promote health. We believe the majority of illnesses are caused by the emotional, psychological and physical strain we put ourselves under. The Integrated Health TV shows you how to reverse this by helping the body heal itself and to restore vitality and well-being.
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